
Livelihood & Food Security

KIRDARC Nepal is dedicated to evidence-based advocacy and research, aiming to shape development discourse and drive policy reforms toward structural transformation. The organization focuses on policy analysis, capacity building, stakeholder engagement, and fostering partnerships and collaborations to promote social inclusion, equitable resource allocation, and sustainable development. These efforts resonate with its mission for gender equality, social justice, and inclusive growth, promoting freedom and expression of opinion, right to organization, and civic space.


Celebrating the Power of Voices: Dive into Inspiring Testimonials Echoing the Journey of Change, Rooted in the Heart of Communities. Join Us as We Champion Progress, One Story at a Time, Emboldened by the Spirit of Grassroots Transformation. Celebrating the Power of Voices: Dive into Inspiring Testimonials Echoing the Journey of Change, Rooted in the Heart of Communities.

Exploratory and Action Research and policy analysis

Evidence-based Policy Advocacy and Lobby

Networking, Alliance and Partnership

Dialogues, Campaigns and Mobilizations

Media Partnership

Institutional systems, and organizational sustainability.